


A Proven Route To Genuine Growth

The Business Clinic team are passionate about franchising as a proven route to genuine growth and business expansion – boosting revenue and profits.
Taking the franchising route reduces the financial risk involved in funding your growth.

It also increases the value of your business, while taking it to that next level and making it more attractive to potential funders, investors or purchasers.
Building a successful franchise model also helps others to achieve their dream of running a business. In your franchisee you will have motivated partners sharing your vision and growing with you.

The Business Clinic works with you to ensure you recruit the right people to succeed.
We’ll also make sure you’ve got the right financial structure in place to make franchising work for you.
We work with you on your franchise model and help you to put the right support systems and structures in place for your franchisees to be successful.

The knowledge of the team within the franchising industry has been crucial to our success, and over our first 12 month period, we have been able to build our team to 18 franchisees. We understand there is so much work that goes on behind the scenes to get potential clients to meet us, and this is time that we simply would not be able to invest in, so having the Business Clinic working through this for us is paramount.